Semiramis, priests, Nimrod, Tammuz and his relationship with Mary and Jesus
In the year 3000 BC., In
Babylon was a woman who is known as Semiramis (Ishtar or Easter other
names in English. The Bible refers to as Ashtoreth and Astarte. Many
called her Semiramis) which became Queen of Babylon, Semiramis it had
adopted a child as a child which called him Nimrod (According to the
Bible, Nimrod was a descendant of Adam and great-grandson of Noah
through the line of Ham. It was the natural son of Cush, but legally
heir of Shem can be seen in the episode of the Tower of Babel). She was
the mother of Nimrod, but later became his wife.
The Babylonians came to regard as a goddess Semiramis. All they wanted
closer to Semiramis, and enjoy the privileges of the country, had to
bring the newborn child. Semiramis to Nimrod called a cult, the worship
of Nimrod was called moloh. Moloh worship, carried the children in body
and soul and threw it at the stake.
Part of the Babylonians were in agreement and not others. They chose to
kill Nimrod and succeeded. When her husband was killed, she reportedly
became the ruler of the kingdom from him. But like many of his subjects
did not believe that Nimrod was the god parigual he had claimed to be,
Semiramis feared losing control over them. She knew she had come up with
something that looks like a great miracle, something that would fill
the people with wonder and really show that Nimrod was a god.
Semiramis acted quickly to bed with one of his priest and being
pregnant. Led to believe all the Babylonian god Nimrod had been
reincarnated in it.
months later born child and the child is put as the name Tammuz. Born 25
December in the year 3005 BC. December 25 was the shortest day of the
year in the northern hemisphere and marked the moment when the days
began to lengthen again. By associating with the sun god Nimrod,
Semiramis proclaimed that day as the birthday of Sol evergreen tree,
symbol of life amid the dead of winter, began to engage in this
celebration as a symbol of the rebirth of Nimrod.
This was exactly what the evil woman needed to carry out its ambitious
plan. She let the word out that the baby had no human father, but he had
been given to be by a magical beam of the great sun god.
The T of Tammuz is the origin of the cross of the Roman church.
What is known about the cross and what is its significance? Perhaps
there is a symbol that represents more than Christianity. But is it
really Christian? The cross with several minor modifications and was a
common symbol in pagan antiquity. The original form of the letter tau
Chaldean or "T" was like the current cross was just the initial of
Tammuz, the sun god will be marked on the foreheads of those initiated
into the ancient mystery religion. The Vestal Virgins of ancient Rome
wore the letter tau suspended from a chain around his neck, as many do
Babylonian times with
another man stood up by the opposition party called the king Kansa
Kansa. Semiramis chased to kill, here is the relationship of Semiramis
and Mary the mother of Christ. also the mother of James, Joseph, Simon
(not Simon Peter) and Judas (not Judas Iscariot), and some daughters
(Matthew 13:55 and 56) (Matthew 1:25).
The king pursues Kansas Semiramis to kill her and the child, flees to
the desert comes to a place of palm trees and there is murdered with his
child. King Kansa puts a crown on his head to put a child on his left
arm cut a palm and puts it in his right hand, and says this is the great
goddess Semiramis.
Babylonians went to different places, the Jews who lived and went to
their lands Nosemiramis put him there, back in Israel is called
Astaroth, the child is called Baal (as Judges 2:13).
The word Astarot if translated from Hebrew into our language means Queen of Peace or Our Lady of Peace.
If some have fixed the Virgin of Peace, how are you with the child in
the left hand with the crown on his head and right hand palm, how are
you Semiramis in Babylon? In the same way.
Has another name also called Astarte, Astarte word translated from the
Hebrew language means to our Lady of Candelaria. If some have looked at
how the Virgin of Candelaria in the same way.
In China it is called Holy Mother Shingmoo which means the child is called Krishna
different places that had names. Over the time this was called Queen
Semiramis sky, refuge of the poor, star of the morning, when she is not
anything like that.
-Translated into Latin, "Baalti" means "Mea Domina". Translated into Italian, the name or title is "Madonna"!
"Following the tradition of idolatry originated in Sumeria, Shinar, the
Roman Catholic Church calls Mary" the Madonna ", a title he never gives
in the Bible
Tamuz --- Babylon Semiramis
Egypt Isis Horus --------------
Or Holy Mother Shingmoo Chinese ---
Herta (virgin baby in arms) - Germanos
Disa ------ Scandinavian or Nordic (Norway, Sweden)
Otter ---- Etruscan (pre Roman)
----- Tonatzin Aztecs
Indrani Chitragupta - Indiúes
Virgo Paritura Druid ----- (England)
Aphrodite Greek Ceres ---
Nuna ---- Sumerian (pre Babylonians)
--- Sumerian Inanna and Nana (pre Babylonians)
Jupiter ---- Venus or Fortuna Romans
Krisha ---- Devaki Hindu
Isi (Great Goddess) ---- Hindu Iswara
Cibeles Deoius ---- Asia
Astaroth ----- Baal Canaan (Palestine)
Virgin queen of heaven supposed wife of Baal Canaan (Israel)
In the days of the prophet Jeremiah to the Virgin Mary was not born yet. In the days of the prophet Jeremiah and the cult was the queen of heaven, if Mary was not born to Queen were talking, Jeremiah says:
7, 18) The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the
women knead dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven and pour out
drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger. See (Jer
If Mary was not born to Queen were talking, they were talking about Semiramis.
Epifanio (79, 8, 1, 2) related these customs with the worship of the "queen of heaven" spoken of in Jeremiah, citing Jeremiah 7:18 and 44:25. (Epiphanius, edited by Karl Holl, Leipzig, 1933, vol. 3, pp. 476, 482, 483.)
This cult ersos div invaded peoples, which may include a reference to Egypt, who assimilated the party Dec. 25 in honor of the Sun in the Catholic Encyclopedia says, "... Christmas (Christ Mass) was not between the early church festivals ... The first evidence for the feast is from Egypt ...". In the Encyclopedia Britannica, we read, "... ... Christmas was not among the original festivals of the church .. was not instituted by Christ or the apostles, nor by scriptural authority ... was collected long after between Paganism ...". As we see, the religious holiday originated in Babylon, not only invaded pagan peoples, but also the apostate church. The Encyclopedia Americana informs us that "... in the fifth century the Western Church ordered that the feast would be held forever on the very day that they celebrated the ancient Roman festival in honor of the birth of the sun, and not knew with certainty the day of the birth of Christ ...". The Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia explains, "... The pagan festival with its riot and revelry was so popular that Christians gladly accepted, and only apologized to continue its celebration with little change in spirit and manner. Christian preachers from the West and Near East protested against the unusual frivolity with which Christ's birth celebrated, while Christians of Mesopotamia accused their Western brethren of idolatry and sun worship for adopting as Christian this pagan festival ... "
Epifanio (79, 8, 1, 2) related these customs with the worship of the "queen of heaven" spoken of in Jeremiah, citing Jeremiah 7:18 and 44:25. (Epiphanius, edited by Karl Holl, Leipzig, 1933, vol. 3, pp. 476, 482, 483.)
This cult ersos div invaded peoples, which may include a reference to Egypt, who assimilated the party Dec. 25 in honor of the Sun in the Catholic Encyclopedia says, "... Christmas (Christ Mass) was not between the early church festivals ... The first evidence for the feast is from Egypt ...". In the Encyclopedia Britannica, we read, "... ... Christmas was not among the original festivals of the church .. was not instituted by Christ or the apostles, nor by scriptural authority ... was collected long after between Paganism ...". As we see, the religious holiday originated in Babylon, not only invaded pagan peoples, but also the apostate church. The Encyclopedia Americana informs us that "... in the fifth century the Western Church ordered that the feast would be held forever on the very day that they celebrated the ancient Roman festival in honor of the birth of the sun, and not knew with certainty the day of the birth of Christ ...". The Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia explains, "... The pagan festival with its riot and revelry was so popular that Christians gladly accepted, and only apologized to continue its celebration with little change in spirit and manner. Christian preachers from the West and Near East protested against the unusual frivolity with which Christ's birth celebrated, while Christians of Mesopotamia accused their Western brethren of idolatry and sun worship for adopting as Christian this pagan festival ... "
Once the party was established in December, was honored again by the
god Nimrod Tammuz, by worshiping the mother and child. Since then it has
become a cult to Semiramis and Tammuz spread around the entire world.
In Egypt, Isis and Osiris worshiped in Rome to Fortuna and Jupiter,
including the Jewish people in ancient times was the victim of this cult
(Judges 2:13).
Nowadays the Christmas party is all a syncretism. Contains elements Babylonian, Egyptian and biblical. Is said to be the birthday of Christ, while pines are adorned with lights, fields, even some talk of waiting for St. Nicholas, a former Catholic bishop who became famous for giving away a dowry of two young people were going to marriage, and eventually, thanks to the fame that gave the people, and the transformation that gave Coca-Cola, millions of children believe the lie that he will come to their houses to leave gifts.
The cult of Semiramis grew up and was so spread and then after all when
Christ began to found his church the Bible says that every day were
being added to the congregation which had to be saved, the worship of
Semiramis was falling, there were thousands of which were converted to
Christ and followed him with all his heart.
Romanism said if we worship Semiramis nobody is going to continue, we
must remove the name, what name we will put the statue?, They could not
put Carmen and Juana, a woman loved by all the apostles and all the Jews
was Mary, Mary was on the day of Pentecost she was there with them,
Mary was in the difficult moments of the church there was with them.

Later in the year 609 AD. Catholicism takes the name of Semiramis and say is this is the tattoos of the holy virgin Mary, the child you have in your arm is Jesus and she is Mary and the people said amen.
Unfortunately the Christmas party, as we know it is all a religious
festival with various components pagans, and especially with old lies,
because for all we know that Jesus was not born on December 25. Is it
right that we as Christians participate in such religious celebrations,
filled with paganism and deceit? No, we're not saying that giving gifts,
or a family meal is sinful, but do these things for the Christmas
party. Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz, they never thought would come to
where his deceptions and false religion, but is in us to go away with
the cult.
Christmas trees, crosses and Easter eggs
Where do common religious symbols that have penetrated the world Christianity?
They have their origin in the Bible? Is there any evidence that the
early Christian crosses were hung around his neck or put Christmas
trees? If not, then where did these and other customs is?
What today is known as the "Christmas Tree" and was in use 2,000 years
before the birth of Christ. Babylon was in the palm and fir Rome. It was
the ancient symbol of the rebirth of the pagan god and savior. What is
celebrated as the Saturnalia in ancient Rome came to "Christianized" as
the "Christmas of Christ" in the fourth century AD. As discussed often
during December in newspaper articles, almost all the trappings
associated with the celebration of Christmas was used many centuries
before the birth of Christ.
In the early fourth century, after an alliance with the Emperor
Constantine, the church called Christian found a way to attract the
masses of the Roman Empire. But those people did not want to change the
lives and customs that their ancestors had followed. Many, however, were
attracted by some aspects of Christianity. The result was that the
popular Roman festivals were put names of Christian origin and moderated
some of the most indecent. These people became "Christian", but without
their festivals and customs, and continued doing the same things at the
same time, but with a different name.
What we know about the easter egg? "We must go back back to Semiramis
and mysteries ... The words 'egg' and 'home' are very similar in Hebrew
and Chaldean. Thus the house or Noah's Ark floating on the water, became
the 'egg'. 'It is said that a large size egg fell from the sky over the
river Euphrates ... Venus out there, who later became the goddess of
the Assyrians' (Hyginus' Fabulae, pg. 148-149), called Astarte [
'Easter' English word 'Easter' is derived from the name of Astarte]. The
classical poems are full of tales of the mystic egg of the Babylonians.
This was the origin of that first Easter egg was a commemoration of the
arrival (birth) of the mother of the sun god after the flood "(Satan's
Great Deception, C. Paul Meredith, 1953 pg. 85-86).
What is known about the cross and what is its significance? Perhaps
there is a symbol that represented more than you Christians. But is it
really Christian? The cross with several minor modifications and was a
common symbol in pagan antiquity. The original form of the letter tau
Chaldean or "T" was like the current cross was just the initial of
Tammuz, the sun god will be marked on the foreheads of those initiated
into the ancient mystery religion. The Vestal Virgins of ancient Rome
wore the letter tau suspended from a chain around his neck, as many do
In Egypt it was
called ansada and was considered a symbol of immortality. It is common
motif in Egyptian religious art and other people who received their
influence. A few years ago, archaeologists digging near the ruins of
Samaria found the ancient emblem of the idolatrous Queen Jezebel of
Israel. The prominent symbol in that Cross emblem was the former ansada.
There is no biblical instruction to use the instrument of Roman torture
as a religious symbol. And there is no indication that will use it in
that form in the early years of the New Testament. In fact, spent more
than two hundred years after Christ before the symbol was introduced
pagan worship of what is now called Christianity.
The priest-fish (Babylon), is now the Pope's hat "fish" (see photos).
The fish symbol is a theme throughout the Gospel stories and this is
symbolic of Nimrod / Tammuz, the father-son, of Babylon. Another reason
for Jesus as a fish could be the zodiac sign of Pisces, the fishes.
I am interested if Jesus was a great son of Nimrod?
ReplyDeleteWhat is your opinion to this?
yes, and also he's TUMMUZ.
DeleteChristianity is a roman invention after they have martyred the real apostles that proclaimed the Good Message (which has nothing to do with religion) and began to preach Krist-us instead by their own apostle Phillipus in Samaria (which the real apostles were ordered not to do) Saul from Tarshish soon after became the main apostle and through his rhetoric and influence "converted" many where they were supposed to divert onto the Narrow Way (although the blame rests inwards due to man having a heart of stone) in the Truth. Christianity (Chi Rho) is another daughter of the "queen" mother even still one of the candles in the Menorah.
DeleteJust because religion have deceived man for millenia does not mean we are spiritualless after effects of a big "bang" as we are being taught and if anyone reading this realize the seriousness of the matter, know that you need to be Born Again (not Born Again Christian) to be restored to your original worth.
The Good Message (aka gospel comes from go spell) is the Truth and the only name under the heavens that can restore us and lead us in Truth is Yahusha the Messiah (or Ieshua for those who still need to receive their ears)
Names and titles ending in -us means "blessed" by pagan greco-roman deities in which is no life.
Our mother gives birth to the sun is a result of the love she has for the man she loves, their story repeats through time and is going to happen again aka the apocalypse
ReplyDeleteSo now who is Jesus Christ and who gave birth to Him
ReplyDeleteJesus is the son of God
ReplyDeleteJesus didn't exist